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2005 Whistler and PNI Models

There are quite a few new models out for this year, and we've just added them to the site! So far, for 2005, Buy Radar Detectors is pleased to offer our customers the Whistler 1773, 1776, 1778, and also the PNI Sensoro Steel Eye! We think you will be very happy with the low prices we have to offer on these new models. Visit our website to read more about the new models, and all of the many features they have to offer!


I purchased my [1773 whistler] and lost my owners manual or misplaced it, can you replace it? Or get it from the Internet I also need to schematics to ensure proper wiring. PS I love your item and it's been great. Thank you customer


You can find the manual for the 1773 and others here on our radar detector manuals page.

Regarding the schematics, you would need to contact Whistler directly for that.


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