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A New Radar Detector from Cobra!

Cobra really knows how to make a great interface for their radar detectors. It looks like the soon to be released XRS 9970G and XRS 9965 radar detectors will improve on their distinctive design and UI even further. Both detectors will feature a touchscreen display. You will be able to tap on the display screen and scroll through options and set your preferences.

Cobra Touchscreen Detectors!

This is a very interesting development in radar detectors. Most windshield mount detectors can be a bit, er, fiddly when trying to do something as simple as hit the mute button. Trying to actually change settings without yanking down the detectors is nearly impossible most of the time, and a very bad idea to attempt while driving. Cobra might be changing all of that, and we will be doing a detailed test ourselves.

The 9970 will offer all of the features of current top of the line Cobra windshield mount detectors including a GPS based camera warning system (with plug-in GPS locator, itself a very nice feature, and a lifetime subscription to the redlight camera warning service), POP detection, and voice alerts. The 9965 is very similar to the 9970 but does not include the GPS locator/service (though it should be available as an option).

We cannot wait to try out the new interface! It should be a great feature that we feel is rather innovative. Anything that makes detectors even more intuitive to use, and more effective tools as well, is a welcome addition.

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