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June 4, 2010

The Motorola CLP1010 and Motorola CLP1040 Shipping June 25th

You can now pre-order the revolutionary Motorola CLP1010 and Motorola CLP1040 here at Buy Two Way Radios. They will be available for sale on Tuesday, June 25th. In fact, they may even get here a bit earlier! We also have the Motorola RPU2160 Portable Repeater, designed specifically for use with the CLP1040 and CLP 1010, in stock now!

Both radios are very compact, easy to use, and high-tech. Motorola has designed two ultra stylish radios that will make your staff look as cutting edge as your business.
The Motorola CLP1010 and Motorola CLP1040 two way radios are going to be in very high demand, so we suggest pre-ordering now. We have already written about them in previous post, because they really are going to change how you look and think about two way radios. If you own a retail business, restaurant, theater, spa, gym, small warehouse, or use radios for short to medium range communications give the Motorola CLP1010 and Motorola CLP1040 a look, and then give us a call.

The size and ease of use of the radios and the range boosting repeater make them just as ideal for those needing a mobile communications suite. If you are an event planner, go to trade shows, or have a business that travels a lot, the radios combined with the mobile repeater may be exactly what you have been looking for.

In addition to carrying just the radios and the repeater we plan on carrying CLP series accessories, and many of you know we like to have a few two way radio accessories in stock. We are as excited about these radios as many of you are, and want to carry every CLP radio and RPU repeater accessory we are able to.

Give us a call at 1-800-584-1445 or send us an email if you have any questions. The way your employees use radios to communicate on the job has just changed forever.