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January 28, 2011

New Feature at Buy Two Way Radios - Audio Samples!

At Cricket Ventures, we contually strive to offer the best and most innovative online shopping experience possible. Now we've set the bar again with an all-new feature on our sites: Audio samples of our business two way radios! You can not only see them, you can hear as well!

These samples were produced for both our Buy Two Way Radios and Banoggle web sites for all the major brands of business radios we carry, including Blackbox, Icom, Kenwood, Motorola, Olympia and Vertex Standard. The audio samples were recorded using specific equipment under controlled conditions to reproduce the most consistant recordings possible for a fair comparison between all models of business two way radios available on our sites. You can hear these sample audio clips while examining them for a full virtual shopping experience.

We also added a page on the Two Way Radio Blog with the complete list of business two way radios with their audio samples so you can compare them all with each other!

More audio clips will be added to each site as new products are introduced.