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February 24, 2011

We Have an Internet Radio Show!

Always innovatiing, Always leading the pack. That's one of our primary goals at Cricket Ventures. Now we've set the bar even higher, with a new Internet radio show for Buy Two Way Radios, the Two Way Radio Show!

Intended for both businesses and consumers, this new Internet radio show or "podcast" is all about using two way radio communications. Each episode covers an open discussion topic related to two way radio technology, a review of a specific radio related product and a question and answer segment.The first episode of the show, titled An Introduction to Consumer Radios, is now available online and can be heard on most major Internet radio and podcast outlets, including Apple® iTunes®, Microsoft® Zune® Marketplace, and Stitcher Radio. The new show can also be heard directly on demand on the Two Way Radio Show blog 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The Two Way Radio Show is hosted by Cricket Ventures President and radio expert Danny Feemster, Cricket Ventures Sales Manager and radio product and programming expert Anthony Roque, and Cricket Ventures Web Content Writer Rick Savoia.

The show will be produced in our media studio at Cricket Ventures and released on the first and third Monday of each month.