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We are now an Authorized BlendMount Reseller!

We strive to offer our customers quality products at great prices. In our effort to maintain the highest quality of products and services, we are particular about what we sell and who we partner with. That's why we are excited to announce that we are now a BlendMount Authorized Reseller! BlendMount is a unique radar detector mount that attaches directly, securely and discreetly to the existing rear-view mirror of your vehicle. Now you can keep your radar / laser detector right where you need it without an unsightly mess of wires on your dashboard. Installed with the innovative MirrorTap hardwire solution, the BlendMount helps to keep your dash and windshield clean and clear. It practically blends right in!

BlendMount and MirrorTap are currently available on our Buy Radar Detectors and Banoggle web sites to order.

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