We now offer T-Reign Products!
Always on the hunt for the latest in innovation, we recently found some new products that fill a definite need for our two way radio customers. A common issue with mobile handheld radios is the question of how to fasten them securely while allowing for easy access while on the go That's why we are excited to announce that we are now a T-Reign Authorized Dealer! T-Reign offers unique solutions for carrying handheld two way radios while minimizing the risk of dropping them, such as their Retractable Gear Tether and ProHolster Case with their Retractable Gear Tether built right in! Now you can keep your two way radio secure, knowing you can reach for it when you need it without the fear of it slipping from your grasp!
T-Reign products are currently available on our Buy Two Way Radios and Banoggle web sites to order.
This is cool!
Posted by: Adriana | August 13, 2013 12:00 PM
This is fantastic!
Posted by: Martha | August 16, 2013 2:38 PM
This is helpful!
Posted by: Joseph | September 23, 2013 9:35 AM