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We are an Authorized Nagoya Dealer!

We entered the amateur radio market earlier this year to offer our customers some of the most popular and economical products available. We've partnered with manufacturers to bring more amateur radios and accessories to hams. Recently we added one more. We are excited to announce that Cricket Ventures is now a Nagoya Authorized Dealer!

Nagoya antennas are popular among amateur radio operators who want performance at a budget price. The Nagoya NA-701 and NA-666 are standard upgrades for the stock rubber duck antennas included with amateur handheld transceivers such as the wildly popular Baofeng UV-5R Dual Band UHF/VHF Radio. To ensure you can get accessories with the maximum performance and value available for your radios, we've teamed with Nagoya to bring these antennas directly to you!

Nagoya antennas and other amateur radio accessories are now available on our Buy Two Way Radios and Banoggle web sites to order.

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