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March 28, 2014

First with the new Wouxun KG-UV8D

Since becoming an authorized Wouxun dealer, we've done our best to nurture that relationship. This is why we are excited to announce the launch of the new Wouxun KG-UV8D Dual Band Two Way Radio! We not only broke the news, we discussed it in detail for The Two Way Radio Show Podcast in TWRS-72 - Introducing the Wouxun KG-UV8D. In April, Cricket Ventures will receive demo units and release an unboxing video of this amazing new radio!

Wouxun is a big name in the amateur radio community. The Wouxun KG-UVD1P Dual Band UHF/VHF HT Radio, the popular KG-UV920P-A Dual Band Mobile/Base Two Way Radio and the new KG-UV950P Quad Band Mobile/Base Two Way Radio are all popular among hams. With the launch of the brand new KG-UV8D, Wouxun is sure to have another winner!

Wouxun amateur radios and amateur radio accessories are available on our Buy Two Way Radios and Banoggle web sites to order for delivery.