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September 18, 2014

We are now an authorized Leixen dealer!

Amateur radio is growing, and so are we. As we learn more about this exciting hobby, we continue to expand our line of amateur radios and accessories to the ham community. Now we've added one more manufacturer to our list of ham radio products. Cricket Ventures is now an Authorized Leixen Dealer!

Leixen manufactures one of the smallest low power mobile radios around, the VV-898 UHF/VHF Dual Band Mobile Two-Way Radio. This is an ultra compact and amazingly affordable transceiver that packs a lot of features in its small size and low cost. Its small footprint makes it easy to install in a vehicle. The VV-898 is great for smaller vehicles and cabs with limited space. We really like this radio, and no doubt our customers will, too.

The Lexien VV-898 and our other amateur radios and amateur radio accessories are available on our Buy Two Way Radios and Banoggle web sites.