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August 1, 2016

First with the new Wouxun KG-D901 DMR digital radio!

Last December we broke the news from Wouxun about their plans to enter the digital radio market with the launch of their first portable DMR two way radio, the KG-D901. We first announced it in Episode 99 of the Two Way Radio Show Podcast and told our listeners of a possible a launch date in 2016. We also wrote an article on the KG-D901 in our Two Way Radio Blog with an overview of its key features. In June, we received our demo models of this new radio, and unboxed one of them in our Wouxun KG-D901 preview video.

Now, we are excited to announce that we are once again first to market in the US with a new Wouxun radio. The Wouxun KG-D901 is in stock and now available at Buy Two Way Radios and Banoggle!

Cricket Ventures is a Wouxun Authorized Dealer.
