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March 6, 2017

Our Midland MXT preview videos return valuable viewer feedback

In 2015, Cricket Ventures created a preview video of the first GMRS MicroMobile two way radio from Midland, the MXT100. Although initially well received, this first radio also had many critical reviews from GMRS users, most notably for lacking certain features and functionality for the price point.

As we passed this feedback on to Midland, the manufacturer listened and took notes. In late 2016 Midland announced three new models in the MXT line, and we received demos of each product to review. In January 2017 we released a new Midland MXT Series unboxing video featuring all three new models, The MXT105, MXT115, and MXT400.

We've received feedback from this one as well, and based on the comments so far, it seems Midland is on the right track with these radios. Early sales are strong, and seem to indicate these radios are destined to be quite popular for a long time to come.

Our Midland MXT preview videos return valuable viewer feedback, and your comments do make a difference!
